Mini crossword
In case you missed Saturday’s NYT Mini, you can find the answers here:
Mini is usually pretty mini, but today’s version is extra mini, more mini than usual. You will see.
The NYT Mini is a quick and dirty version of the newspaper’s longest running crossword puzzle. Most days, there are three to five clues in each direction on a five-by-five grid, but the puzzles are sometimes larger, especially on Saturdays.
Unlike its older sibling, the NYT Mini the crossword puzzle is free to play at New York Times website or the NYT Games app. However, you will need a NYT Games subscription to access past puzzles in the archives.
The NYT Mini it’s a fun daily distraction that usually takes no time at all. I try to beat the standard weekday grid in less than a minute. But sometimes I can’t figure out a clue or two and have to reveal the answer.
To help you avoid doing that, here are the NYT Mini Crossword answers (spoilers ahead, of course):
NYT Mini Crossword Clue and Answers
1) “Oh, and something else …” – ALSO
5) Part of the plane that disembarks last, usually – BACK
6) Fruit with orange flesh and large pit – MANGO
8) Celebrity – STAR
9) Have a relaxed meeting – HANG UP
1) Where the funny bone is – ARM
2) What can a dog leave in a dog park – LEASH
3) “Miracle on 34th Street” figure – Santa Claus
4) Pipe organ – ORGAN
7) Club: Avr. – ORG
I just started doing the Mini recently, and I haven’t seen one this small with three, five words max letters and most are three or four. This one, I would say, made it much easier than others, and I got it in just under a minute. It took me a long time to remember a fruit that ended in “O” but I finally got there.
How did you do at the puzzle today? Did he dump you at all?
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