Find the links between the words to win today’s Link game.
Looking for Saturday Connections tips and answers? You can find them here:
Hey guys! Fingers crossed you have a fantastic weekend. I really enjoy spending time with family and friends at home every moment, and I hope you are able to hang out with your loved ones as well.
Today’s NYT Connections hints and answers come immediately.
How to play the links
In Connections, you are presented with a grid of 16 words. Your goal is to arrange them into four groups of four, identifying the links between them. Groups could be things like horror movie franchises, a type of verb, or rappers.
There is only one solution to each puzzle and you should be careful when dealing with words that may fit into more than one category. You can mix up the words to help you perhaps see the links between them.
Each group is color coded. The yellow group is usually the easiest to figure out, the blue and green fall in the middle, and the purple group is usually the hardest to figure out. The purple team often includes puns, so keep that in mind.
Choose four words that you think go together and hit submit. If you make a guess and get it wrong, you’ll lose a life. If you’re getting close to making a correct group, you might see a message telling you that you’re one word away from getting it right, but you’ll still have to figure out which ones to trade.
If you make four mistakes, it’s game over. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen with the help of a few pointers, and if you’re really struggling, today’s Connections answers.
What are today’s hookup tips?
Scroll slowly! Right after the hints for each of today’s Connections groups, I will reveal what the groups are without immediately telling you what words are included in them.
Today’s 16 words are…
And the tips for today’s teams are:
- Yellow group — aphorism or proverb
- Green group — outdoor cooking items
- Blue group — large flora
- Purple group — important aspects of an outdoor relaxation device
What are today’s connection groups?
Need some extra help?
Attention: we are starting to enter spoiler area.
Today’s teams are…
- Yellow team — old saying
- Green group — grill fuel sources
- Blue group — trees
- Purple group — hot tub accessories
What are the answers of today’s connections?
Spoiler alert! Don’t scroll down the page until you’re ready to learn today’s Connections answers.
This is your last warning!
Today’s Connections the answers are…
- Yellow group — old saying (ADAGE, CHESTNUT, MAXIM, SAW)
- Green Group — grill fuel sources (COAL, ELECTRIC, GAS, WOOD)
- Blue group — trees (ash, cherry, ebony, gum)
- Purple group — hot tub accessories (FILTER, HEATERS, PROBLEM, PUMP)
Unfortunately, my last streak ended after six straight wins.
I got the greens off the bat and ran into a bunch of problems. I thought EBONY, CHESTNUT, ASH, and CHERRY referred to specific types of hair colors, but I didn’t even get the “one away” one, so apparently I was barking up the wrong tree.
As it happens, I had no idea about the blues (although I should have figured them out) or the purples. I was well on my way with the yellows as I connected ADAGE, CHESTNUT and MAXIM. But I have never in my life heard of SAW in this context. So a few random guesses in that group later, and my latest streak is over.
That’s all there is for today Connections clues and answers. Be sure to check my blog for tips and the solution for Monday’s game if you need them.
PS Glastonbury Saturday headliner this year was Coldplay. I liked them a bit after the first two albums, which I liked a lot. There are some great songs on the third disc, X&Y, very. This is my favorite (although I also really like “Lovers in Japan”):