The day before
Amazingly, while 9,000 people are still playing The Day Before on Steam after its confusing, hilarious launch last week, the number of negative reviews it’s garnered has plummeted the so-called survival MMO to its bottom 10 games of all time Steam.
The Day Before garnered 15,000 reviews within days and achieved the “Overwhelmingly Negative” mark with only 18% of them being positive. This lands it in the final list of 10, a list populated by truly bad games but a few “protest” titles due to some issue or other that pissed off fans.
Here it is top ten list as it is now that The Day Before has arrived:
- War of the Three Kingdoms (2021) – 0.99, 10% positive
- Overwatch 2 (2023) – 1.5, 15% positive
- NBA 2K24 (2023) – 1.65, 16% positive
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (2022) – 1.69, 17% positive
- Flatout 3: Chaos & Destruction (2011) – 1.70, 17% positive
- ID card (2018) – 1.72, 17% positive
- The day before (2023) – 1.79, 18% positive
- Uriel’s Gap (2014) – 1.80, 18% positive
- Space based DF-9 (2014) – 1.82, 18% positive
- Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2 (2023) – 2.09, 21% positive
So some categories here, many are old pieces of spades that no one has ever heard of. Some are big names that people were upset about, Overwatch, MW2 and NBA 2K24, with the most impressive total being Overwatch 2 with such a low score of 225,232 votes. I actually forgot why people were that I’m crazy about Overwatch 2 on Steam. It turns out that two-thirds of the reviews were written by Chinese players, According to reportswith 97% being negative after Overwatch 2 was shut down with the Netease deal ending so that’s the main reason.
The Day Before already has more votes than any game in the top 10 apart from OW2, Three Kingdoms and Mobile Suit Gundam, but it’s about to pass even that last one. I’d put it in the “shovelware” category, but I’d say it’s a more unique case than anything else on this list, since it was released as a fairly high-profile title due to its misleading marketing campaign, and at least at launch, it had half a million people who they were watching Twitch streams about it. But once players paid $40 for it and saw that it just lied about its genre, not a survival MMO but a (very bad) export shooter? They brought it back and gave it a massively bad review, which unlike some “bombing review” campaigns, it certainly deserved. This thing is dead. No patches or fixes will save it. And it’s not worth recovering after how much the developer lied about it before release.
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