Meta quest 3s acoustic VR
Andrew Williams
According to the latest analysis data, global VR headphone missions were significantly reduced in 2024, despite the release of the Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest 3s.
Shipments were reduced by 12% in 2024, compared to 2023 data, he says Opposite searches.
He blames the well -known issues that have been leveled in the VR and AR headphones, including “lack of urgent content beyond entertainment, tiredness of prolonged use and continuing compromises between efficiency, weight of headphones, battery life and heat dissemination”.
Shipping data also indicate that the liberation of October 2023 of Quest 3 brought him more enthusiasm with the cheapest quest 3s, which arrived a year later in October 2024.
Most of the last months have seen META confirm its handle on the VR market. Its missions represented 84% of the market in the third quarter of 2024, compared to 65% in the third quarter 2024.
Large market shares during this time include those of Apple and Pico – Vision Pro and Pico 4 Ultra Headsets that have been released in pure numbers of units by Q4 launch the launch of the Meta Quest 3s.
The future of VR and AR
Not all bad news for the wider AR market. Counterpoint Research notes the development of the Chinese VR DPVR headset manufacturer, thanks to the development in the “Enterprise” section. The company also sells to the consumer, including the DPVR E4 headset built for PCVR.
The analysis company also provides for a return to development in 2025 and 2026, but will be promoted by a “recovery” to smart glasses of reality and not with VR headphones.
The January CES and the March Expos of March were full of smart glasses technology, with new pairs from Snap, Xreal, Nuance and others. Meta also has designs for advanced smart glasses, called Orion when the idea was announced in September 2024.
Meta claims that Orion represents “the most advanced pair of AR glasses ever made”. It has not yet announced a release date, but it says “We are planning to start shipping [consumer AR models] In the near future. ”
Samsung’s XR headset also promises to move a larger VR headphone technology, with designs for a launch later in 2025 along with Google’s Android XR platform. However, as we heard earlier this month, it is not expected to be a big seller initially, such as the Apple Vision Pro.