Author: EconLearner

By Nellie Akalp A holding company cannot be held responsible for the legal or financial problems of its subsidiaries.getty A holding company is a legal business entity (usually a limited liability company or C Corporation) that owns or has controlling interest in one or more companies (called “subsidiaries”). Other terms for a holding company include “parent company” and “umbrella company.” Regardless of the wording, a holding company helps protect the assets of its individual subsidiaries and limit liability risks across all of its subsidiaries. In addition to owning other business entities, a holding company may also own other assets, such…

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According Statistics, more than 100 million people are predicted to listen to podcasts in 2024. While the industry is booming with new episodes every day, starting a show can be daunting. Jessica Abo sat down with two hosts to hear how they got started and find out how you can too. Dr. Crystal ConnerElixir Media Company The story of Dr. Krystal Conner Dr. Krystal Connor says the road that got her to where she is today was quite a bumpy one. She started as a pharmacist and then went to work in her family’s company, where she became CEO. But…

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EduFi Founder and CEO Aleena NadeemEduFi Pakistan has a problem: it struggles to keep its young people in education, largely because so many families can’t afford the initial cost of college tuition. Enter the fintech startup EduFi, which today announces the successful completion of a $6.1 million fundraising round. It hopes its innovative approach to student loans could increase higher and further education participation rates in the country. “This is a product that does not currently exist,” says Aleena Nadeem, CEO and founder of the business, which launched in 2021. “The only alternative until now for families needing to borrow…

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By Kailynn Bowling, co-founder ChicExecs PR & Retail Strategy Company. getty Every business is different. From your company history to your products to the customers you serve, your story is unique to your business. A brand story goes beyond your About Us page—it includes business facts, but packages them into a narrative that tells the world about your business’s values, culture, and personality. But capturing the true essence of that story and sharing it with the world isn’t always easy. You need to define the facts, tone and form to tell the world who you are as a brand. Branding…

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By Jared Atchison, co-founder WPFormsa drag and drop form builder for WordPress used on over 4,000,000 websites. getty No matter how good you are at it, creating fresh and relevant content day in and day out is easier said than done. Content creation is a complex and time-consuming process. Thus, it is often difficult to maintain the quality of content while maintaining a demanding schedule. Fortunately, you don’t have to create content from scratch every time. You can simply repurpose the content you already have and create something completely new for your target audience. Let’s look at the various ways…

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5 ChatGPT asks you to identify your next big business opportunity getty What could be around the corner for you? A huge new business, a game-changing client, an exciting deal? All of these things could be on their way. But instead of sitting there and trying to manifest them in your life, you can use ChatGPT to go out and find them. You can explore the possibilities and think about what you want. These 5 prompts will help you find new avenues to explore to open up options on how to kill. Copy, paste and edit brackets in ChatGPT and…

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New regenerative organic certified spirits from Anytime Spritz.Anytime Spritz Maddy Rotman and Taylor Lanzet are college friends turned co-founders of a regenerative organic alcohol brand, sourcing their ingredients from ROC-certified farms here in the US. “We met on Maddy’s first day of college in an environment class,” says Lanzet. “We bonded over our love of cooking, farming and dive bars.” They continued to be roommates in New York while working at brands such as Imperfect Foods, Daily Harvest, Chipotle and Everytable. Taylor Lanzet and Maddy Rotman, co-founders of Anytime Spritz.Anytime Spritz During this time they turned their kitchen into a…

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Reputable scientific journals assume that the research they publish will be replicated—that is, will yield the same results even when the experiment is repeated by someone else. But when a team of researchers tested this hypothesis in 2015, they found that 60 percent of randomly selected psychology articles from the highest quality journals failed to replicate. Similar patterns were found in economics, biology, and medicine, beginning what has become known as the “reproduction crisis” in science.How can scientists restore confidence in their findings? Manually repeating all published experiments would be a simple solution, but “it’s completely out of reach,” says…

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The limited release flavor unfortunately didn’t make it to this world. But the data collected about who bought it and who didn’t led to some lasting insights. That is, a group of researchers led by marketing professor Kellogg Eric Anderson discovered a segment of customers with highly unusual—and highly unpopular—tastes. If those customers buy your new product, the researchers found, it’s likely to fail.This image is both useful and unexpected. “The failure rate of new products is incredibly high. It’s hard to know, will a product succeed or fail?’ says Anderson. Knowing that some markets, which usually signal success, actually…

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These assessments help all kinds of businesses make decisions, such as where to take risks and how to improve their operations. But how do ratings affect the people being rated? New research from Kellogg’s Hatim Rahman suggests that despite the opacity of these algorithms—indeed in large part becauseof this opacity — shape people’s behavior in unexpected ways. Rahman, assistant professor of management and organizations, investigated the impact of algorithms on an online job platform for freelancers. “There’s a lot of talk about the future of work and what it’s going to look like,” says Rahman. “These platforms are part of…

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